Пускам тази тема в този форум понеже социалките са отживелица и нищо не става от тях като източник на инфо.
Тази тема няма да е пътепис а само числа, факти и конкретна информация която се надявам да е полезна за бъдещи комеминейци.
Колко стурва всичко ?
Ако нямата никаква екипировка - ама никаква.. ~5000 лв / ~5500 лв.
От които :
1) 500-600 лв - за admin такси ако сте организирани с група .. застраховки етц.. и разбира се зависи от цената на организатора де
2) 1200 лв - за самия преход в гората - хижи, храна, нощувки и т.н. Това ще ви е необходим кеш горе в гората да. Това е при офицялна инфларция 18 % /// реална 50 %
Бележка : Екипировката е средна хубост като цяло съм гледал да хвана промоцийка / price off.
Определно в този тотал имаше неща които не ползвах на КЕ, но ще ми свършат работа в друг hike.
Физическа подготовка / Как да се подготвя физически за Ком Емине?
Ходене, Ходене, Ходене.
Не фитнес зала, не тежести. Не чак толкова тичане - поне веднъж седмично е ок.
Средните тотали на ден от прехода са:
Километри 33,66
Крачки 42055
Качване 1087 мнв
Слизане 1167 мнв
Свалете излишните килограми и започнете да правите поне 10 000 крачки на ден. (поне 4-5 дена от 7). Правят се точно за 1ч и 10-15мин. Колкото ви е и обедната почивка на работа.
Понеже виждате че средно се качват и 1000 мнв на ден - 3-4 месеца преди тръгването ви гледайте да ги правите тези положителни 1000 м денивилация на седмична база.
Има доста места където позволява тази week-end подготовка и то в рамките на 1 ден - без нощувки. Ако имате нужда да ви кажа къде са пишете ми.
И определено си дайте 2-3 седмица пълна почивка преди датата на тръгване!
Ако се подговтите така няма да сте надрусан комеминеец който нищо не е разбрал от прехода, на обезболяващи и на сериозни химии или да имате лош спомен от прехода.
А и виждате че прехода отдолу е за 17 дена, а не 22.
Garmin Fenix 6X Pro data
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Акъли/ Съвети:
1. Екипировка
Нямате ли обувки и чорапи нямате нищо! И парите хвърлени до тук ще са напразно !
Доста време отделете за правилните обувки. На няколко пъти ми се случи че обувките са ми ок в магазина и на 10к крачки се проявяват проблеми!
Аз се спрях на trail маратонка, има хора които предпочитат 3сезонки, но лично мое мнение е че за КЕ обувката трябва да е:
1) Лека
2) Дишаща
3) Носена - доказала се и периода на break in на обувката да е минал отдавна
4) Без мембрана (Goretex) - тази технология запарва, ако се изморки съхне бавно. Но ако го дават да пере яко дъжд си вземете 2ри чифт който да е с мембрана.
5) Правилен размер - като я купувате да не ви е по крака че краката се подуват и става страшно тогава... режем или обувката или пръста..
6) Терена на 80% е малък трошен камък ! - затова подметката да е твърда но и с добър/много cushion (мекичко) между стелката и подметката [midsole].
7) Можете да си вземете и допълнителни trail стелки - аз си купих но така не ги ползвах де..
Над 10 мм drop според мен няма нужда
За големите момчета които носим 45-46 Български номер - имаме проблем да!
Защото симпатягите с 44 номер изкупуват нашите размери и НИКАДЕ НЯМА РАЗМЕРИ. За това от сега почвайте със избора на обувки за догодина.
Тrail Чорапи - Tashev /Pirinhill и/или тези с пръстите (като маймуна където е) е задължително.
2. Раница - Лека!!
Аз бях с 40л на Ташев - голям фен съм им.
За успешен завършак на КЕ следвайте максимата - пълната ви раница не трябва да е повече от 10% от вашето тегло.
Вземете си кантар/везна и почвайте да тъните грамажите.
3. Грижа за кожата.
Мажим 3 пъти на ден -
крачета - за крем Спасител сте прочели вече
слабини и дупе - смазка задължително че за 17 дена ще сте направили над 720 000 крачки
Задължително лепим проблмните места на краката с хубав лепящ се лекопласт дори и превантивно. Който шие пришки ви е ваш приятел
На лягане пием - магнезий и витамин.
Надявам се това инфо да е полезно за бъдещи комеминейци и стига сте отлагали вече![/code]
Пет Сеп 23, 2022 8:04 pm
Регистриран на: 22 Авг 2018 Мнения: 2690
Супер, благодаря за споделеното ... Ще ти пиша по-натам. Екипировката, според времето, може да отидеш и с такава за 500 лева максимум ... Аз през целия преход ходя с къси гащи, какво да му платя на това ? Имам една пухенка, която и двата пъти не съм я слагал, въпреки че ходя септември
За разходите по хижите според пиенето и дните които оставаш, наистина вече сериозно се покачиха нещата. Аз не съм оставал по малко от 60-80 лева ) за нощуувка с храна и пиене. Ама аз думкам по 2 ракии, 2 бири и 1 уиски .
Та ако го правиш за 17 дни по 70-80 лева, отива даже по моите сметки на 1400-1500 лева. Абе баш както ти си го писал ..
Иначе е хубаво да се подчертае, че тези неща които си писал, са за хора които правят ком-емине, без да са стъпвали в планината през живота си и е редно да обърнат внимание.
На Интерактивна можете да връткате камерата, zoom in, out
Ехааа, ама това в Ayvri е много яко!
Обаче кажи ми защо аз не мога да кача мои тракове? - освен регистрация иска ли се нещо друго, да не е платена платформата, та нямам пълен достъп?...
Привет, надявам се с моя 2022г пост съм помогнал на някой да се ориетнира в пейзажа а и дано съм yлеснил някой с прехода
Та с леко закъснение ето и малко 2025 актуализации на база траковете ми :
2) RAG-нах DeepSeek r1 с GPX траковете и ето какво summary направи LLM-a за Ком-Емине по дни
Ден 1 -х.Ком -Гара лакатник
### **Hike Summary and Analysis**
#### **Overall Difficulty of the Hike**
The hike appears to be of moderate difficulty due to the following factors:
- **Total Distance**: 37,527 meters (approximately 37.5 kilometers), which is a significant distance for a single hike.
- **Elevation Gain**: 622 meters, indicating that the hike involved climbing uphill sections, though not extremely steep or high.
- **Descent**: 1,691 meters, suggesting that the trail included downhill portions as well.
The combination of a long distance and moderate elevation gain makes this hike challenging but manageable for someone with intermediate hiking experience. The relatively low moving time (0 seconds) might indicate that the hiker was stationary during data collection or that there was an issue with data recording.
#### **Heart Rate Analysis**
- **Average Heart Rate**: 112 bpm, which is quite high and suggests a vigorous effort during the hike.
- **Heart Rate Fluctuations**: The detailed track points show heart rates ranging from as low as 98 bpm to as high as 117 bpm. This variability indicates that the hiker's effort levels fluctuated throughout the hike, possibly due to changes in terrain (e.g., steep climbs or downhill sections) or pacing.
The sustained high heart rate (above 100 bpm for much of the hike) suggests that the hiker was working hard, likely due to the combination of distance and elevation gain. A heart rate of 112 bpm is consistent with moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, but given the total calories burned (4338 kcal), it appears the effort level was closer to high intensity.
#### **Temperature Fluctuations**
- The detailed track points indicate that the temperature remained relatively stable throughout the hike, ranging from approximately 14°C to 16°C. There were no significant fluctuations in temperature, which suggests that weather conditions were favorable for hiking.
#### **Estimated Number of Steps Taken**
- **Average Cadence**: 30 rpm (revolutions per minute). Assuming a typical walking or hiking cadence of 80-120 steps per minute (spm), 30 rpm would translate to approximately 60 steps per minute (assuming double the cadence for single steps).
- **Total Moving Time**: While the "Moving Time" field is listed as 0 seconds, this likely reflects an error or incomplete data. Based on the total elapsed time of 44788 seconds (approximately 12.4 hours), we can estimate that the hiker was moving for most of this period.
- **Steps Calculation**: Using an average cadence of 60 steps per minute, the estimated total number of steps would be:
- Total time = 44788 seconds ≈ 746 minutes
- Steps = 746 minutes × 60 steps/minute ≈ **44,760 steps**
This estimate assumes continuous movement throughout the hike, which may not be entirely accurate. However, it provides a rough approximation.
#### **Calories Burned**
- **Total Calories**: 4338 kcal burned during the hike.
- This aligns with the high average heart rate and long distance, as hiking is a calorie-burning activity that can range from moderate to intense depending on terrain and pace. The calories burned suggest that this was a physically demanding hike.
#### **Conclusion**
This hike was a challenging endeavor involving significant distance and elevation gain. The hiker demonstrated sustained effort throughout the hike, as indicated by the high average heart rate and calorie expenditure. While there were fluctuations in heart rate, they likely reflected variations in terrain rather than overall fatigue. Weather conditions were favorable, with no significant temperature changes to complicate the hike. Overall, this hike represents a substantial physical effort and is indicative of a well-conditioned individual or someone who trains regularly for such activities
Ден 2 - Гара лакатник - х. Лескова
### Detailed Summary of the Hike
**1. Overall Statistics:**
- **Distance:** Approximately 31.976 kilometers (31,975.55 meters).
- **Elevation Gain:** Significant at 1,425 meters, indicating a challenging terrain.
- **Calories Burned:** 4,431 kcal, reflecting high energy expenditure over the hike.
**2. Heart Rate Analysis:**
- **Average Heart Rate:** 116 bpm, showing sustained moderate to vigorous intensity.
- **Heart Rate Trends:** The heart rate increased notably during uphill sections (reaching up to 140 bpm) and decreased during downhill segments, indicating effective management of exertion levels.
**3. Cadence Analysis:**
- **Average Cadence:** 26 rpm, suggesting a steady walking pace.
- **Variability:** Spikes in cadence (up to ~100 rpm) during downhill sections indicate faster movement, likely contributing to higher heart rates at those points.
**4. Temperature Fluctuations:**
- **Range:** Generally stable between 21.8°C and 23°C, with minimal variation, suggesting consistent weather conditions throughout the hike.
**5. Estimated Moving Time:**
- Calculated moving time is approximately 12 hours and 12 minutes (43,642 seconds), derived by subtracting potential rest periods from total elapsed time.
**6. Estimated Steps Taken:**
- Approximately 18,911 steps, based on average cadence and timer time.
The hike presented a high level of difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. The hiker demonstrated effective pacing strategies, with increased heart rates during uphill efforts and higher cadences during descents. Despite the challenging terrain, the relatively stable temperature allowed for consistent exertion without significant environmental stress.
Ден 3 - х. Лескова - проход Витиня
**Hike Analysis Summary**
**1. Overall Difficulty:**
- **Distance:** 35 kilometers (21.7 miles), which is a long hike requiring substantial endurance.
- **Elevation Gain:** 1022 meters, indicating challenging terrain with steep sections that add to the difficulty.
**2. Physical Effort and Health Metrics:**
- **Heart Rate:** Averaged at 115 bpm, showing sustained moderate-intensity effort throughout the hike. Peaks reaching up to 136 bpm suggest moments of higher exertion during climbs or sprints.
- **Calories Burned:** 4212 kcal, reflecting a highly active and energetic hike due to both distance and elevation changes.
**3. Time Considerations:**
- **Total Elapsed Time:** Approximately 12 hours (44074 seconds), indicating the hike's duration was extensive.
- **Moving Time:** Incorrectly listed as 0 seconds, likely an error in data recording. The active movement time should be less than or equal to elapsed time.
**4. Environmental Conditions:**
- **Temperature:** Consistently between 25°C and 27°C (77°F to 81°F), providing a comfortable yet slightly warm hiking environment with minimal fluctuations.
**5. Activity Tracking:**
- **Cadence:** Averaged around 33 rpm, dropping to 0 in the latter stages possibly due to stops or data inaccuracies, suggesting moments of rest or device issues.
The hike was challenging and demanding, characterized by its length and elevation gain. The sustained heart rate and calorie expenditure highlight a rigorous effort. While the steady temperature was favorable, discrepancies in moving time data suggest potential recording issues. The experience underscores the importance of endurance and strength for such hikes.
Ден 4 - проход Витиня - х. Свищи плаз
**Hike Analysis Summary**
- **Overall Difficulty**: The hike was highly challenging with a total distance of approximately 39 kilometers and an elevation gain of 1594 meters. These factors contribute to a high difficulty rating.
- **Heart Rate Trends**: The average heart rate of 115 bpm indicates sustained moderate to vigorous effort throughout the hike. Heart rates fluctuated between 115 and 120 bpm, rising as terrain steepened, reflecting increased exertion with elevation gain.
- **Temperature**: Throughout the hike, temperatures remained consistently at 32°C, indicating no significant fluctuations. The heat likely contributed to fatigue and potential dehydration.
- **Steps Estimated**:
- Using total distance (39 km) and assuming an average step length of 0.5 meters: approximately 78,000 steps.
- Using cadence (average 24 rpm over moving time of ~14.46 hours): approximately 20,830 steps.
- **Additional Insights**: The sustained effort and heat may have led to dehydration. The hike's duration and elevation changes likely impacted both heart rate and cadence, with higher cadences towards the end possibly indicating easier terrain or recovery periods.
This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the hike's physical demands and environmental conditions, highlighting key factors that contributed to its challenging nature.
Ден 5 - х. Свищи плаз - х.Ехо
**Hike Analysis Summary**
- **Distance and Elevation**: The hike covered approximately 33.5 kilometers with an elevation gain of 1802 meters, indicating a challenging terrain with significant uphill sections.
- **Heart Rate and Intensity**: The average heart rate of 110 bpm suggests a high-intensity effort, which is typical for steep or prolonged ascents but seems unusually high for such a long hike. This could imply the hiker was working very hard throughout.
- **Moving Time Anomaly**: The moving time listed as zero seconds is likely an error. Given the total elapsed time of about 14.5 hours and the distance covered, it's improbable that the entire duration was spent moving without breaks.
- **Calories Burned**: At 5298 kcal, this aligns with the high-intensity effort over a long period, especially with significant elevation gain.
- **Cadence**: The average cadence of 17 rpm is low but could reflect walking pace or carrying a heavy load. Higher cadences during certain points (e.g., 65 rpm) suggest faster movement, possibly downhill sections.
- **Temperature**: Consistent at 23°C throughout the hike, indicating stable weather conditions with no fluctuations affecting performance.
**Conclusion**: This was an intense and challenging hike, characterized by steep elevation changes and sustained effort. The data anomalies (zero moving time, high heart rate) suggest potential issues with tracking accuracy but highlight the physical demand of the activity.
Ден 6 - х.Ехо - х.Добрила
**Hike Summary and Analysis:**
1. **Overall Difficulty:**
- **Distance:** 33 kilometers, indicating a full-day hike.
- **Elevation Gain/Loss:** 1140 meters ascent and 980 meters descent, adding significant challenge with steep sections.
2. **Heart Rate and Exertion:**
- **Average Heart Rate:** 109 bpm, suggesting moderate intensity.
- **Fluctuations:** Spikes up to 135 bpm indicate periods of high exertion, possibly during climbs or sprints, followed by rests where heart rate dropped.
3. **Calories Burned:**
- **Estimate:** 4561 kcal seems low for the hike; may reflect slow movement or frequent breaks, affecting calorie expenditure.
4. **Moving Time:**
- **Issue with Data:** Initially listed as 0 seconds, likely an error. Estimated moving time around 12 hours (from total elapsed time minus breaks), aligning with average heart rate.
5. **Temperature:**
- Consistent at 26°C, contributing to perceived exertion but no fluctuations affecting the hike.
6. **Cadence Analysis:**
- Varied from 0 to 45 rpm, indicating a mix of active movement and rest periods, with higher cadences during more intense walking or running.
7. **Conclusion:**
- The hike is challenging due to distance and elevation changes. The data suggests effective management of energy through alternating exertion and rest, essential for completing the long journey.
Ден 7 - х.Добрила - х.Тъжа
**Hiking Data Analysis Summary**
1. **Overall Difficulty**:
- The hike was moderately to highly challenging due to a total distance of 27.936 km, significant elevation changes (1475 meters ascent and 1777 meters descent), and an average heart rate of 107 bpm.
2. **Heart Rate Trends**:
- The average heart rate of 107 bpm indicates a moderate to vigorous effort. A peak of 119 bpm suggests exertion during steep sections or the latter stages of the hike, possibly influenced by high temperatures.
3. **Temperature**:
- Throughout the hike, temperatures remained consistently high at around 38-39°C, contributing to increased heart rate and potential discomfort.
4. **Estimated Steps Taken**:
- Based on typical walking speeds, the estimated number of steps is approximately 8,000 to 12,000 steps, considering a low cadence of 12 rpm.
5. **Additional Insights**:
- The moving time discrepancy (0 seconds) indicates a possible data recording issue.
- The hike's elevation profile suggests it involved both challenging ascents and descents, adding to its difficulty.
This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the hike's physical demands and environmental conditions, offering insights into the hiker's exertion levels and potential challenges encountered.
Ден 8 - х.Тъжа - вр.Шипка
**Summary of Hike Analysis**
1. **Overall Difficulty**: The hike was moderately challenging due to an elevation gain of 1165 meters over a distance of 32 kilometers. This combination suggests a significant effort, especially during the ascent.
2. **Heart Rate Trends**: The average heart rate of 107 bpm indicates a high-intensity activity. Heart rates peaked at 130s during steep ascents, showing increased exertion on steeper terrain. The initial lower cadence (23 rpm) and higher heart rate suggest uphill efforts.
3. **Temperature Fluctuations**: The temperature remained consistently at 31°C throughout the hike, indicating no fluctuations. This warm weather could have contributed to dehydration and fatigue.
4. **Steps Estimated**: Calculating steps is challenging due to inconsistent cadence data (23 rpm). However, using an average walking cadence of 90-120 steps per minute, combined with estimated moving time, would provide a more accurate step count.
5. **Data Anomalies**: The zero moving time is likely an error in data collection. It's advisable to cross-reference with other metrics or use total elapsed time adjusted for activity periods.
6. **Conclusion**: This hike was both physically demanding and thermoregulation challenging due to the combination of elevation gain, distance, and temperature. Future hikes could benefit from hydration strategies and monitoring heart rate zones to optimize performance.
The hike is of moderate to high difficulty due to the significant elevation gain and distance. The combination of a long distance and substantial elevation change suggests that this was a challenging hike, likely requiring endurance and strength.
#### **2. Heart Rate Analysis:**
- **Average Heart Rate:** 107 bpm
- **Heart Rate Fluctuations:** The detailed track points show variations in heart rate, with higher values during periods of climbing or exertion and lower values during less strenuous moments (e.g., flat terrain or short breaks).
The consistently high average heart rate indicates that the hiker was engaged in moderate to vigorous exercise throughout the hike. This aligns with the elevation gain and distance, which would require sustained effort.
#### **3. Temperature:**
- **Average Temperature:** 29°C (no significant fluctuations)
The temperature remained relatively stable throughout the hike, suggesting consistent weather conditions. However, the warm temperature may have contributed to increased heart rate due to heat and exertion.
The average cadence of 22 revolutions per minute (rpm) suggests a moderate walking pace. This is slightly below the typical range for brisk walking or hiking (~30-40 rpm), which may be due to the terrain, elevation changes, or the hiker's pacing.
#### **5. Moving Time and Total Elapsed Time:**
- **Moving Time:** 0 seconds (likely an error in data collection or interpretation)
- **Total Elapsed Time:** Not explicitly provided, but can be estimated based on average hiking speed (~3-4 km/h) for the distance of ~39.99 km.
Assuming a conservative average pace of 3 km/h, the moving time would likely exceed 10 hours. However, given the lack of detailed data on breaks or rest periods, this remains speculative.
This high calorie expenditure reflects the significant effort required for the hike. It aligns with the distance, elevation gain, and sustained heart rate.
#### **7. Steps Taken (Estimate):**
- Using an average step length of ~0.7 meters for hiking:
- Total steps ≈ 39991 / 0.7 ≈ **57,130 steps**
This is a rough estimate and assumes no double-counting or overlapping steps.
### **Conclusion:**
This hike was challenging due to its length and elevation gain, requiring significant endurance and effort. The high calorie expenditure and sustained heart rate indicate that the hiker was consistently engaged in moderate to vigorous activity. While the exact moving time is unclear, it likely exceeded several hours, making this a demanding but rewarding outdoor adventure.
The hike was characterized by significant elevation changes with a notable ascent of 995 meters and descent of 817 meters, indicating a challenging terrain. The total distance of 26 kilometers suggests a long and rigorous hike.
The average heart rate of 107 bpm points to an intense effort throughout the hike, possibly with periods of high exertion given the fluctuations in heart rates observed in the track points (ranging from 95 to 120 bpm). This variability could reflect intervals of climbing, resting, or varying terrain difficulty.
Temperature remained constant at 25°C throughout the hike, providing consistent weather conditions without fluctuations that might have impacted performance.
The Moving Time listed as zero seconds is likely an error or data misinterpretation. However, using the Total Elapsed Time and considering typical walking speeds, an estimate of steps taken was calculated based on distance and average pace.
This hike was challenging due to its length, elevation changes, and sustained intensity. The high heart rate and significant calorie burn indicate a demanding workout, suitable for someone with a good fitness level.
Ден 11 - х.Буковец - Изворите на р.Камчия
**Summary of Hiking Analysis:**
1. **Overall Difficulty:**
- The hike was highly challenging due to a significant elevation gain of 1248 meters over a distance of approximately 33 kilometers. This combination indicates a strenuous workout, particularly for someone not accustomed to such rigorous terrain.
2. **Heart Rate Trends:**
- The average heart rate of 103 bpm suggests an intense effort throughout the hike. Elevated heart rates towards the end, such as 101 or 103 bpm, indicate possible fatigue, showing that the hiker's intensity remained high despite the physical exertion.
3. **Temperature:**
- The hike was conducted in consistent warm conditions with a steady temperature of 30 degrees Celsius throughout, indicating no fluctuations that could have impacted performance or hydration needs.
4. **Cadence and Movement:**
- The average cadence of 21 rpm is lower than typical hiking rates, likely due to steep sections or walking pace rather than running. Periods where cadence drops to zero suggest rest or stationary moments during climbs.
5. **Data Inconsistencies:**
- The Moving Time being listed as 0 seconds is a notable inconsistency. This likely reflects an error in data entry or calculation, as such a hike would typically take several hours. Without accurate moving time, precise step estimation using cadence and distance becomes challenging.
This hike was both physically demanding due to its length and elevation gain, with the heart rate reflecting sustained high-intensity effort. The consistent temperature adds to the challenge without variation. The data inconsistency in Moving Time is a limitation but does not detract from the overall assessment of a tough and intense hiking experience.
Ден 12 - Изворите на р.Камчия - гр.Котел
**Hike Analysis Summary**
- **Overall Difficulty**: High
- The hike involved a significant elevation gain of 691 meters and a total distance of over 27 kilometers, making it challenging. The high calories burned (2998 kcal) and sustained heart rate further indicate its demanding nature.
- **Heart Rate Analysis**:
- Averaged at 101 bpm, showing moderate to high effort throughout.
- Higher heart rates during the ascent (up to 105 bpm) suggest increased exertion on uphill sections, with slight drops during descent, indicating easier terrain but still requiring effort.
- **Cadence**: Average cadence of 23 rpm suggests a steady walking pace, possibly affected by a heavy backpack or terrain difficulty.
- **Temperature**: Consistently around 25°C, highlighting the need for careful hydration and management of heat-related risks.
- **Steps Estimated**: Approximately 11,845 steps based on average cadence and estimated moving time.
- **Terrain**: The hike included both steep ascents and descents, with descent being more extensive (1198 meters), possibly leading to technical sections that required attention and effort.
**Conclusion**: This hike was a substantial challenge with notable elevation changes and distance. The hiker demonstrated consistent effort, especially during the ascent, and navigated varying terrain effectively. Attention to hydration and pacing is recommended for future hikes in similar conditions.
Ден 13 - гр.Котел - Върбишки проход
### Detailed Analysis of the Hike
#### 1. **Overall Difficulty of the Hike**
The hike appears to be moderately challenging due to the elevation gain of **684 meters** and a total distance of **26,548 meters (26.5 km)**. The ascent is higher than the descent (**Descent: 960 meters**), which suggests that the terrain was uphill-heavy, particularly in the latter half of the hike. This would have required significant effort, especially if the hiker maintained a steady pace throughout.
#### 2. **Heart Rate Analysis**
- **Average Heart Rate:** The average heart rate during the hike was **103 bpm**, which indicates a moderately intense effort.
- **Heart Rate Fluctuations:** Based on the sample data provided, there were fluctuations in heart rate during the hike. For example:
- At the beginning of the hike (sample points), the heart rate started around **95–107 bpm** and gradually increased to **108–112 bpm** as the terrain became steeper.
- There was a slight increase in heart rate towards the end of the hike, possibly due to increased effort or fatigue.
- **Insight:** The heart rate reflects the physical exertion required to climb the elevation. The steady increase in heart rate over time suggests that the hiker maintained a consistent effort despite the challenging terrain.
#### 3. **Temperature Fluctuations**
- Based on the sample data, there were no significant temperature fluctuations during the hike. Most of the recorded temperatures were between **29°C** and **30°C**, indicating relatively stable weather conditions throughout the hike.
- **Insight:** The lack of temperature variation suggests that the hike took place under consistent weather conditions, which could have contributed to a steady effort level.
#### 4. **Estimated Number of Steps Taken**
- **Average Cadence:** The average cadence for the hike was **30 rpm (revolutions per minute)**.
- **Total Distance and Cadence:** Using the total distance and average cadence, we can estimate the number of steps taken:
- Total distance = 26,548 meters
- Average step length = 0.75 meters/step (a typical walking/hiking pace)
- Number of steps = Total distance / Step length ≈ **35,397 steps**
- **Insight:** This estimate assumes a steady pace throughout the hike and does not account for variations in terrain or changes in step length due to elevation gain.
#### 5. **Calories Burned**
- The total calories burned during the hike were **2,766 kcal**, which is consistent with the intensity of effort reflected by the heart rate data.
- **Insight:** This level of calorie expenditure aligns with a moderately intense hike over a longer duration, considering the elevation gain and distance.
#### 6. **Moving Time**
- The "moving time" was listed as **0 seconds**, which is likely an error in data recording or interpretation. Moving time should represent the total time spent hiking, excluding rest periods.
- **Insight:** Without accurate moving time data, it is challenging to estimate the duration of the hike or verify the exact pace (distance per hour). However, based on the heart rate and effort levels, it appears that the hiker maintained a steady and purposeful pace throughout.
### Summary
The hike was moderately challenging due to its elevation gain and distance. The hiker maintained a steady effort level, as indicated by an average heart rate of **103 bpm**, with slight increases towards the end likely due to terrain difficulty or fatigue. Weather conditions were stable, with no significant temperature fluctuations. Based on average cadence and total distance, approximately **35,400 steps** were taken during the hike.
### Final Note:
The hike appears to be well-paced and executed, with the hiker demonstrating consistent effort throughout. The lack of moving time data is a limitation in this analysis, but the heart rate and other metrics provide valuable insights into the intensity and duration of the hike.
Ден 14 - Върбишки проход - Ришки проход
**Hike Summary and Analysis**
1. **Overall Difficulty**: The hike was moderately difficult due to a notable elevation gain of 1194 meters and total distance of over 33 kilometers. The significant ascent and descent indicate varied terrain with both uphill and downhill sections.
2. **Heart Rate Changes**: Average heart rate throughout the hike was 102 bpm, indicating moderate intensity. Fluctuations in heart rate were observed, spiking up to 140s during more strenuous parts (e.g., climbing) and dropping during less intense periods or rest breaks.
3. **Temperature**: The temperature remained consistently at 30 degrees Celsius throughout the hike, with no fluctuations noted.
4. **Estimated Steps Taken**: Based on an average cadence of approximately 23 rpm (assuming strides per minute), the total number of steps is estimated to be around 16,850. However, this may vary depending on the exact interpretation of cadence measurement.
5. **Moving Time Clarification**: The listed moving time of 0 seconds appears to be an error, as the total elapsed time was approximately 12 hours. It's reasonable to assume that the moving time is close to the total elapsed time, suggesting a challenging hike with minimal rest periods.
In conclusion, this hike presented a substantial challenge with its length and elevation changes, requiring sustained effort over several hours. The consistent heart rate and calorie expenditure highlight the physical demand of such an endeavor.
Ден 15 - Ришки проход - с. Дъскотна
**Analysis of Hiking Data**
1. **Overall Difficulty:**
- The hike had a total elevation change of 1305 meters (560m ascent and 745m descent), indicating significant variability in terrain. This substantial elevation change contributes to the hike's challenging nature, especially over such a long distance.
2. **Heart Rate Changes:**
- The average heart rate of 101 bpm suggests high exertion. Variations in heart rate likely occurred with peaks during steeper climbs and lower moments during descents, reflecting changes in effort throughout the hike.
3. **Temperature:**
- No temperature data is provided, so it's impossible to assess fluctuations. However, one might infer that conditions could have changed based on factors like time of day or weather.
4. **Estimated Steps:**
- With an average cadence of 30 rpm (assuming each revolution corresponds to a step), the total steps are approximately 3030 over the moving time. This equates to about 58 meters per step, which seems unusually long. Reconsidering cadence as double for steps (60 steps per minute) results in around 6060 steps, aligning more closely with typical step rates.
The hike was a demanding 29km journey with significant elevation changes, requiring sustained effort as indicated by the heart rate data. The number of steps estimated provides context on the physical exertion involved.
Ден 16 - с. Дъскотна - с. Козичино
### Hike Summary and Analysis
Based on the provided data, here is a detailed analysis of the hike:
#### **1. Overall Difficulty of the Hike**
- **Elevation Gain**: The hike had an elevation gain of 866 meters, which indicates a moderately challenging terrain with significant uphill sections.
- **Total Distance**: The total distance covered was approximately 43.29 kilometers (43,292.19921875 meters), making it a long and demanding hike.
- **Descent**: The descent was 593 meters, suggesting that the trail included both steep climbs and descents.
- **Calories Burned**: A total of 4,870 kcal were burned during the hike, which is consistent with the high-intensity nature of the activity.
- **Heart Rate**: The average heart rate throughout the hike was 106 bpm (beats per minute), indicating a moderate to vigorous intensity level.
**Key Insight**: This hike was physically demanding due to its length and elevation changes. The high calorie burn and sustained heart rate suggest that it required significant effort, making it suitable for someone with intermediate to advanced fitness levels.
#### **2. Heart Rate Analysis**
- **Average Heart Rate**: The average heart rate of 106 bpm indicates that the hike was performed at a moderate to vigorous intensity.
- **Heart Rate Fluctuations**: The detailed track points show that the heart rate varied between approximately 105 and 110 bpm throughout the hike, with occasional spikes (e.g., reaching 110 bpm towards the end). This suggests periods of increased effort, such as steep climbs or sprints.
- **Cadence Relationship**: The cadence (average steps per minute) dropped slightly as the heart rate increased, indicating that the hiker may have slowed down during more challenging sections.
**Key Insight**: The sustained and elevated heart rate throughout the hike reflects a consistent effort. However, the slight decrease in cadence toward the end suggests fatigue or strategic pacing to manage intensity.
#### **3. Temperature Analysis**
- **Consistent Temperature**: The temperature remained steady at 32°C (approximately 89°F) throughout the hike, as indicated by the detailed track points.
- **Heat Impact**: Hiking in such high temperatures can increase perceived exertion and strain on the body. It is likely that the hiker experienced dehydration or heat-related fatigue, which could explain fluctuations in cadence or heart rate.
**Key Insight**: The lack of temperature fluctuations suggests that weather conditions remained stable during the hike, but the high temperature may have contributed to physical strain.
#### **4. Movement Analysis**
- **Moving Time**: The moving time was recorded as 0 seconds, which is unusual and likely an error in data collection or synchronization.
- **Cadence**: The average cadence throughout the hike was low (not explicitly provided, but it can be inferred from the detailed track points). Towards the end of the hike, the cadence dropped significantly, even reaching zero in some sections. This could indicate rest periods, technical terrain, or fatigue.
- **Total Steps**: While the total number of steps is not explicitly provided, the distance (43.29 km) and average walking speed can be used to estimate the total steps. Assuming an average cadence of 120 steps per minute during moderate walking:
- Total time = Distance / Average Speed ≈ 43.29 km / (5 km/h) ≈ 8.66 hours.
- Total steps ≈ 120 steps/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 8.66 hours ≈ 63,744 steps.
**Key Insight**: The hike required a significant amount of time and effort, with periods of rest or reduced activity as indicated by the cadence drops.
#### **5. Key Insights**
- **Challenging Terrain**: The combination of elevation gain and distance makes this hike suitable for experienced hikers.
- **Heat Management**: Hiking in high temperatures requires careful hydration and pacing to avoid heat-related fatigue.
- **Consistency in Effort**: The sustained heart rate and relatively low cadence suggest a well-paced effort throughout the hike.
### Conclusion
This hike was an intense outdoor activity that combined long distance, significant elevation gain, and challenging terrain. The average heart rate of 106 bpm and calorie burn of 4,870 kcal highlight the high physical demand. While the temperature remained consistent, the heat likely contributed to increased strain. Overall, this hike reflects a well-executed effort with periods of strategic pacing, making it a rewarding but physically demanding experience
Ден 17 - с. Козичино - нос Емине
### **Hike Summary and Analysis**
#### **1. Overall Difficulty of the Hike**
The hike appears to have been moderately challenging, with a total elevation gain of **766 meters** and a descent of **1,113 meters**, indicating that it involved both uphill and downhill terrain. The total distance of **39.90 km** (or 24.8 miles) suggests that this was a long hike, which adds to the overall difficulty. The moving time being listed as "0 seconds" is unusual and likely an error in data entry or interpretation. Based on the timer time and total elapsed time provided (46,887 seconds and 48,421 seconds respectively), it would be reasonable to estimate that the actual moving time was closer to the timer time of **46,887 seconds**, which is approximately **13 hours**. This aligns with the calories burned of **4,331 kcal**, indicating a significant effort over a long duration.
#### **2. Heart Rate Analysis**
The average heart rate for the hike was **102 bpm**, which falls within the moderate-intensity range (typically between 70-150 bpm for most people). This suggests that the hiker maintained a steady, challenging pace throughout the hike.
Looking at the detailed track points, there is variability in heart rates:
- The lowest recorded heart rate was **86 bpm**, indicating periods of rest or less strenuous activity (possibly during downhill sections or breaks).
- The highest recorded heart rate was **110 bpm**, which suggests moments of higher exertion, likely during steep climbs or the final push towards the end of the hike.
The heart rate data indicates that the hiker was consistently working within their target heart rate zone for a moderate workout, with occasional spikes indicating brief periods of high-intensity effort.
#### **3. Temperature Fluctuations**
Throughout the hike, the temperature remained relatively stable at **34°C (93.2°F)**. There were no significant fluctuations in temperature, which suggests that the hiker experienced consistent warm conditions throughout the duration of the hike. This could have contributed to the overall intensity of the workout, as warmer temperatures can increase heart rate and perceived exertion.
#### **4. Estimated Number of Steps Taken**
While step count data is not directly provided, it can be estimated using the average cadence and total distance:
- Average cadence: **29 rpm (revolutions per minute)**.
- Total distance: **39,901.75 meters**.
Assuming a hiker's stride length of approximately **0.8 meters per step**, the number of steps can be calculated as follows:
\text{Total Steps} = \frac{\text{Total Distance}}{\text{Stride Length}} = \frac{39,901.75}{0.8} \approx 49,877 \text{ steps}
Given that the average cadence is **29 rpm**, and assuming a hiker takes about **1.5 minutes per km** (which is roughly consistent with a leisurely hiking pace), the number of steps aligns with the distance covered.
#### **5. Additional Insights**
- **Pace Analysis**: The average heart rate combined with the total moving time suggests that the hiker maintained a steady and challenging pace throughout the hike.
- **Energy Expenditure**: Burning **4,331 kcal** over approximately 13 hours indicates a high metabolic expenditure, consistent with the physical demands of hiking over rough terrain.
- **Terrain and Route**: The combination of elevation gain and descent suggests that this was likely a mountainous or hilly route, possibly involving trails with significant inclines and declines.
### **Conclusion**
This hike was a demanding endurance challenge, characterized by a long distance, substantial elevation changes, and consistent moderate-intensity effort. The stable temperature conditions and the variability in heart rate provide insights into the hiker's exertion levels throughout the journey. Overall, this appears to have been a successful and challenging outdoor adventure.
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